Privacy Policy – Shopperslands



This Privacy Policy relates to the information blend and use practices of West Side concerning our online affiliations, which are made open to you through an arrangement of stages. This Privacy Policy regulates the way wherein accumulates, uses, stays aware of and uncovers information amassed from customers (each, a “Customer”) of the (“Site”). This security technique applies to the Site and all things and affiliations offered by


Benevolently read the going with to contemplate our Privacy Policy. By using or getting to relationship in any capacity, you see that you see the practices and systems tended to in this Privacy Policy, and you in like way consent that we will accumulate, use, and offer your information in the going with penchants.


The Information We Collect

“Singular Information” means any information that sees or relates to a particular individual and furthermore joins information induced as “genuinely clear information” or “individual information” under material data security laws, rules, or rules. This Policy applies just to Personal Data that we store up from you obviously; if we didn’t accumulate data clearly from you, you should contact the substance that gathered your Personal Data in the essential manual for address your advantages concerning such data. We assemble various kinds of Personal Information from our customers, as explained in more detail under, and we use this Personal Information inside regarding our Services, including to change, give, and work on our relationship, to allow you to establish up a customer record and profile, to reach you, to fulfill your referencing for express things and affiliations, and to separate how you use the Services. Correctly when you use our Platform to buy Leather Handbags through our Platform, join to perceive our flyers or thing information, or contact us electronically, you may be depended upon to give us lone information about yourself, similar to your name, email, and phone number (aggregately, the “Specific Information”). We don’t assemble any Personal Information from you when you use the Platform with the exception of on the off chance that you give us the Personal Information deliberately.


Data we gather subsequently

Treats: We may use treats and various developments, for instance, web guides, web gathering and mind boggling raising identifiers to gather information about your activity, program or contraption. This data helps us with building a profile of our customers. A bit of this data will be accumulated or quantifiable, which gathers that we can not remember you uninhibitedly. In case you like, you can kill or exculpate program treats through the settings on your program or contraption. Regardless, exonerating or getting out treats could influence the responsiveness and worth of our affiliations. For extra information on our utilization of treats, in case it’s not all that sum inconvenience, see our Cookie Policy.


Internet browser treats

Our Site may use “treats” to furthermore cultivate User experience. Customer’s web program places treats on their hard drive for record-keeping purposes and sometimes to follow information about them. Customer may choose to set their web program to pardon treats, or to caution you when treats are being sent. If they do in like way, note a couple of bits of the Site may not fill in precisely true to form.


Outsider Websites

Our Site may contain relationship with unapproachable regions. This Privacy Policy doesn’t have any essential bearing to those untouchable fights. We recommend that you read the security verbalizations of whatever different areas that you visit as we are not responsible for the affirmation practices of those fights.

Sharing your own information

We may share Other Information about your enhancement for the Platform with outcasts to tailor, looking at, planning, uncovering, and further creating impelling you see on the Platform and elsewhere.

Affiliations that get your deals to you, for instance, call centers, segment ace organizations, demand packers, and transport affiliations

Competent expert affiliations, such as showing workplaces, publicizing additional items and site has who assist us with remaining mindful of our business

Credit reference affiliations, law execution and impulse suspicion workplaces, so we can help with managing deception

Affiliations embraced by you, as electronic media

We equivalently share Personal Data when fundamental to complete a trade began or upheld by you or outfit you with a thing or affiliation you have alluded to.

Is Personal Information about me secure?

Your record is guaranteed by a mysterious key for your insurance and security. If you access your record through a distant site or affiliation, you may have extra or explicit sign-on confirmations through that pariah site or affiliation. You should agitate unapproved enrollment to your record and Personal Information by picking and guaranteeing your clandestine key fittingly and confining agree to your PC or contraption and program by shutting down after you have wrapped up getting to your record.

We limit enrollment to your own data to people who have a genuine business need to know it. Those setting up your information will do as such in an upheld way and are reliant upon an obligation of depiction. We additionally have frameworks set up to deal with any acknowledged data security attack where we are truly expected to do accordingly.


We don’t purposely assemble Personal Information from kids more enthusiastic than 14 through the Platform. In case you are under 14, nicely don’t give us any Personal Information. We support gatekeepers and authentic guardians to screen their children’s Internet use and to help with executing our Privacy Policy by means of setting up their youths to never give Personal Information through the Platform without their assent. If you have inspiration to perceive that a juvenile more lively than 14 has given Personal Information to us, in case it’s not all that sum inconvenience, reach out to us, and we will endeavor to kill that information from our instructive collections.

Occupant Rights

In case you are a shopperslands, you have the rights depicted in this part. If it’s not all that sum inconvenience, see the “Rehearsing Your Rights” region under for rules concerning how to rehearse these rights. In case there are any battles between this section and another course of action of this Privacy Policy and you are a California tenant, the part that is more watched of Personal Data will control to the level of such battle. If you have any requesting as for this fragment or whether or not any of the going with concerns you, nicely reach us at

Practicing Your Rights

To rehearse the rights depicted above, you ought to send us an arrangements that (1) gives an examined email address and a basic picture ID to allow us to validate that you are the person about whom we have assembled Personal Data, and (2) portrays your arrangements in sufficient detail to allow us to understand, evaluate, and respond to it. Each arrangement that meets both of these exercises will be considered a “Authentic Request.” We may not respond to requests that don’t meet these models. We will fundamentally use Personal Data gave in a Valid Request to declare you and complete your arrangements. You needn’t lounge around inactively with a record to introduce a Valid Request.

Contact Us!

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Telephone: +91 98765 98765

Address: 3001-Park Avenue, New Ring Road, Mumbai, MH,  India